Monday, April 21, 2008

my newest obsession...

I found out about this book recently. It is called Twilight and I found out today that it was published in 2005 and that the author already published the sequel as well. Anyway, I am just anxiously awaiting the launch of the feature film. Ahhhh [squeals*] I cannot wait!!! The guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter, Robert Pattinson will be playing Edward Cullen in Twilight the movie. [drools*] He actually looks like the person I imagined Edward to be. I expected Bella to be a little more plain looking but Kristen portrays her a lot better I think. For those of you who have not read Twilight, it is a tale of two star-crossed lovers. A modern day Romeo and Juliet of sorts. A human and a vampire fall in love but it is dependent upon Edward to control his lust for her blood. Only her blood smells so incredibly delicious to him. He equates it to the aroma of a fine wine. He could kill her in any moment, but he struggles to keep control of himself. Meanwhile, Bella would rather not leave him alone. It's a thrilling romance. I borrowed the book from a new friend I made, Susan. I plan to read the sequel soon...after my last exam. I swear I finished Twilight in 2 days. That is, I read a little over 500 pages in 2 days. I couldn't believe it myself. Strangely enough, I didn't find any part the least bit boring. You know how sometimes, when you read a book, there is a part in the plot where it kind of slows down and the main character does not experience anything too eventful? Not in this book. Even when I thought nothing interesting would happen at some parts, I was pleasantly surprised. It is a great read and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a little bit of the supernatural in their stories. I am a big fan of fiction myself. And now, I am a huge fan of this novel and am excited for the saga to continue. I'm sooo impatient. I've been watching little behind the scenes clips of the movie. I'm quite impressed with the cast they got to play the parts. They even have the guy from Never Back Down, Cam Gigandet who is playing the villain, James. I can't even concentrate on the exam I have coming up because of this book. [sigh*] Edward is just so dreamy. I know its weird to love fictional characters. But he just does what he does so well. But I must be off to bed now. Goodnight =)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I like it rough

I like doing things the hard way. I don't know why, but all my life it has always been like that. Maybe I have something to prove? I feel like such a dumbass. I f*ked up my last assignment for STATS and then I neglected to hand in my last set of labs for ACCOUNTING. Shit. Now I have to work my ass off to get a decent grade in these classes. Okay, I exaggerate a little, but come on! I should have been working hard from the beginning. I had more time than I say I did. It's just that I chose to go clubbing and partying rather than doing the work I should have been doing. Resulting in last minute scrambling to finish stuff up. That means: lost sleep, lack of food and thus lack of ability to concentrate. Now I feel screwed for school.


It's time to get back on.

In another sense, I like to be rough...physically. It doesn't make any sense because I'm a nice girl. At least that is the impression I give off to people when I meet them. Do I look like I could stand my ground in a fight? Surely, I would lose, no? But, tell me why the thought of being wrestled to the ground excites me? I don't know. There is something exhilirating about being pinned to the floor where resistance is just futile, so you have no choice but to give in. No choice but to succumb to someone's will...especially if it's someone you love. It's great fun. Haha, but don't get me wrong. I'm not looking to be raped. Even though it sounds like I would enjoy it, believe me, I WOULDN'T. I only enjoy rough play when its with someone I love, naturally.

I saw Drillbit Taylor last night with Jay-R and I developed a crush on the bully. Oh, I was becoming so flustered during the movie. The bully excited me. Especially when he took off his sweater and fighting music came on. *SIGH*...[drools] But, I didn't mean to make you feel like you have to have bulging muscles to get my attention. You already have it. I just get excited about fighting. Like I said before, I like it rough. I will admit that I enjoy the wrestling matches we have a bit too much. Even when it doesn't amount to anything more than that. *SIGH* I am a funny girl. Silly girl, nice girls don't play rough. So...does that make me a bad girl?

OKAY. I'm stopping here. Try to ignore the last paragraph. I think I just need to jump again. LOL

Later, gators