Saturday, March 22, 2008

blogging for the sake of...blogging

I had written more here before, but unfortunately my laptop overheated and shut down by itself before I had a chance to publish it. However, I am stubborn and I insist on making this entry.
It is almost 2:00 am and instead of sleeping like any normal person would be when they are tired, I have recreated my blog site...using the same name. I can't really help it. I liked the name before. It suited what I had written before. Thoughts and expressions. Okay, really I just wanted to show off my knowledge of simple theory (ok, so I only took Preliminary Rudiments but I still earned First Class Honours with Distinction). I am only remembering now how good it feels to have your thoughts written down, or should say typed out. Though I know this probably won't really be seen by anyone, I still find comfort in putting my feelings and thoughts down on this blog, almost like a journal of sorts. I decided to start blogging again because I felt inspired by a friend of a friend of mine. I came to find out more about her through her blogs. I especially enjoyed her stories about unrequited love. I felt that she wrote very well. Some of her blogs were dark at times but nevertheless, I felt compelled to read more. That kind of sounded stalker-ish. Anyway, I would like to improve my writing skills and so I thought I would practice by blogging. After all, blogging is like telling a story. You have to be aware that no matter what, you are writing for an audience, so you want to make sure you get the right points and ideas across. Otherwise, you will confuse and overwhelm your readers.

I did have an idea for posting another blog, but I am starting to feel exhausted. I suppose I will have much more to write about later.

So long, farewell, Aviderzein, Good night...morning.


The Ageless Fool said...

How shiny your new blog is.